This online shop is owned by Primeo Management AG. SwissCommerce Management GmbH is responsible for the operational management of the store as a service provider.
Company headquarters
Primeo Management AG
Weidenstrasse 27
CH-4142 Münchenstein
Phone: 0041 62 539 13 92
Online shop:
VAT Number: CHE-116.316.685 MWST
CIN number: CHE-113.776.228
ZAZ account: 11035-8
Bank details: UBS Basel, Primeo Management AG
CHF IBAN: CH05 0023 3233 2249 7202 Q, SWIFT UBSWCHZH40A
EUR IBAN: CH38 0023 3233 2249 7260 Y, SWIFT UBSWCHZH40A
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